Monday, May 5, 2014

Semana 38

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? I hope you´ve had a great week! Things are going good here. 10 months in the mission!! The time has gone by super fast. Focus on the mission and don´t be trunky and it will go by fast!!

I finally got the hole in the shoe fixed. They replaced part of the soles on my shoes with soles made of car tires, so I´m assuming that that should hold up really well for the rest of my mission. haha 

Today we had a zone activity. We played soccer and a few of the companionships made food. I made churros again and everyone ate them so fast that they were gone before I knew it. haha I think I´m sunburnt too!

Well the work is progressing here in Chillogallo. Sadly, N didn´t come to church so won´t get baptized this Friday. We don´t know what happened to her. We´ve been calling and going to her house every day, but we haven´t seen her. We hope she´s okay. Even though we didn´t have success with investigators this week, we´re seeing a lot changes in the ward. For such a long time the bishopric and some of the leaders in the church haven´t had any trust in the missionaries. I think there were some disobedient missionaries here in the past so the bishopric  and leaders lost trust in the missionaries, up to the point where they would try to monitor the missionaries. But in these past two weeks they´ve changed! We did service for the 1st Counselor on Friday. We removed the tile on his house so he could paint it and then had a family home evening in his house that night. We´ve developed a close friendship with him. Then yesterday we finally got the Bishop´s trust! He told us that he trusts the missionaries a lot more and he wants to invite us and the other companionship in the ward to his house for dinner next week. So I think the work is going to start progressing a ton in these coming weeks. In order to have success in an area, you have to have unity with all of the members in the ward. If there´s contention problems then the work won´t progress. The missionaries have to work together with the members and leaders to hasten the Work of Salvation. 

On Saturday morning, we had a really cool meeting where some of the stake leaders talked to all of the missionaries in the zone. A member of the stake high council told us that we need to be talking to as many people as possible every day. He gave us a statistic that if we contact 20 people every day and if these contacts are effective, then we should have 1 new investigator every day and 7 every week. Then we should have 28 new investigators every month. Of those 28, at least 14 should progress, then 10 should have a baptismal date, and then of those 10, three should get baptzed. It made us all excited to start talking to as many people possible every day so that we can get to the point where we´re baptizing every week. The counselor of the stake presidency gave us some good advice too. He said that often the missionaries only work with their feet and hands, but that need to also work with their heart and mind. He also said that what he saw in his mission is that so often missionaries only work hard just so they can become leaders in the mission like assistants or so they can look good infront of the leaders. He said that´s something that we need to change. Our only motivation for working should come from our love for our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the people that we teach. If we work with that attitude then we will have more success in the mission. We need to love these people. If we love them and truly care for them, they will recognize that love and the Spirit will be able to testify to them more easily that these things are true. It was a really good meeting and are things I really want to apply in my mission to be a more effective missionary. 

Well that all for this week. I know that Jesus Christ live. He is our Savior and He is always there for us in our times of trials. He´s always ready to help us, we just need to have faith in Him and accept His help. Hope you all have a great week and I can´t wait to hear from you all next week!!

-Élder Gómez

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